OpenFortress as your technological backbone

Content providers are organisations that issue paper certificates, or maintain a database with registrations of some kind. Such content may benefit from digital certification, and OpenFortress is willing to service as technological backbone in such situations. You can simply out-source your digital certification needs!

Benefits of digital certification are usually the ability to validate digital signatures as being made by a genuine certificate holder. Certificates are signed in such a way that it refers to your certification or registration program, and anyone who relies on that program will see that your organisation approved of the certification.

Example application areas are governments that want to support digital signing with identity validation; chambers of commerce that wish to produce digital certificates for registered companies; but also small companies that wish to provide gift certificates. All these application areas can benefit from certification services. In addition, OpenFortress may be able to help you tackle subtle privacy issues.

This Fortress is Open because it allows those who can prove their genuity under the umbrella of OpenFortress. This allows others to combine your certificates with other certificates under the same umbrella, making it possible to derive composite forms of certification, thus extending the reach of your content beyond your own possibilities. Furthermore, the umbrella of OpenFortress includes a reseller network, so that your certificates may enjoy a vastly growing audience. From this perspective, OpenFortress acts as a market place for your content!

The precise mechanics that interface you to OpenFortress will be tailored to your needs. It depends on your situation and on your technical in-house experience. A normal interface makes it possible to create, renew and revoke certificates.

The precise financial setup will also be customised. Perhaps you want to earn for every certificate sold, or perhaps you want to take the charge of all operating costs; all that can be arranged. In all situations, there will be a small fee charged by OpenFortress for every signature requested. This fee is fixed per signature request -- any costs for development and guidance are charged separately and are not included in the fee.

Subsidiary arrangements exist that may apply for Dutch companies; please lookup the Subsidie Kennisoverdracht ondernemingen (in Dutch) and International Collaboration (in Dutch) at SenterNovem for more information.

For more information you are welcome to contact us at Please let us know what content you have, and what added value you expect from digital certification. Our answer can only be as precise as your inquiry!

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